Floating Silt & turbidity Curtains

Silt curtains also known as a turbidity curtains or silt barriers or booms, are specialized Floating Barriers used in marine construction and dredging projects to control sediment, silt runoff and other debris in water bodies.

Sediment Control: Silt and sediment curtains are primarily used to control sediment runoff from construction sites, dredging operations, or any activity that disturbs the seabed or riverbed.

Environmental Protection: The use of silt curtains helps protect aquatic ecosystems by preventing sediment from smothering aquatic plants, suffocating bottom-dwelling organisms, and degrading water quality. Available in standard and customized sizes at the most affordable price in India.

Turbidity Curtain

  • Installation: Silt curtains are typically installed as a floating barrier, creating a vertical barrier from the water surface to the bottom of the water body.
  • Material and Design: Silt curtains are constructed from durable materials designed to withstand exposure to water and various environmental conditions.
Silt Curtain